0x01 安装HomeBrew
HomeBrew是一款Mac OS平台下的软件包管理工具,拥有安装、卸载、更新、查看、搜索等很多实用的功能。简单的一条指令,就可以实现包管理,而不用你关心各种依赖和文件路径的情况,十分方便快捷。
- 安装脚本(国内)
/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)"
- 卸载脚本(国内)
/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/HomebrewUninstall.sh)"
- 参考资料
0x02 安装Golang
2.1 首先看看有哪些golang版本可用
0x01@0x001 % brew search go
Warning: Error searching on GitHub: curl failed! % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to api.github.com port 443: Connection refused
==> Formulae
algol68g google-benchmark
anycable-go google-java-format
arangodb google-sparsehash
argo google-sql-tool
argocd googler
argon2 googletest
aws-google-auth goolabs
bogofilter goose
cargo-c gopass
cargo-instruments gor
certigo goreleaser
cgoban goreman
clingo gost
django-completion gostatic
forego gosu
fuego gotags
gateway-go goto
git-hooks-go gotop
gnu-go gource
go govc
go-bindata govendor
go-jira gowsdl
go-jsonnet gox
go-md2man gst-plugins-good
go-statik gx-go
go@1.10 hugo
go@1.11 jpegoptim
go@1.12 katago
go@1.13 lego
go@1.14 lgogdownloader
go@1.9 libgosu
goaccess lunchy-go
goad mongo-c-driver
gobby mongo-cxx-driver
gobject-introspection mongo-orchestration
gobo mongoose
gobuster pango
gocloc pangomm
gocr powerline-go
gocryptfs protoc-gen-go
godep protoc-gen-go-grpc
goenv protoc-gen-gogo
gofabric8 protoc-gen-gogofaster
goffice pygobject3
gofish ringojs
golang-migrate server-go
golangci-lint spaceinvaders-go
gollum spigot
golo svgo
gom tengo
gomplate wego
goocanvas wireguard-go
goofys write-good
2.2 安装brew下最新版本的go
0x01@0x001 % brew install go@1.14
Updating Homebrew...
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/go@1.9-1.9.7.high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring go@1.14-1.14.10high_sierra.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
A valid GOPATH is required to use the `go get` command.
If $GOPATH is not specified, $HOME/go will be used by default:
You may wish to add the GOROOT-based install location to your PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go@1.9/libexec/bin
This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local,
because this is an alternate version of another formula.
If you need to have this software first in your PATH run:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/go@1.14/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/go@1.14/1.14.10: 7,668 files, 294.2MB
2.3 配置golang的相关环境变量
# MacOS 10.15 前的版本
0x01@0x001 % echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/go@1.14/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
# MacOS 10.15
0x01@0x001 % echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/go@1.14/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
2.4 让改动生效
# MacOS 10.15 前的版本
0x01@0x001 % source ~/.bashrc
# MacOS 10.15
0x01@0x001 % source ~/.zshrc
2.5 测试是否安装成功
0x01@0x001 % go version
go version go1.14.10 darwin/amd64